Time’s Bonus Days

by Cynthia Germain Leap years are like bonus days in our calendar. You know, the ones when February gets an extra day—February 29th. But why do we have leap years, and what do they mean for someone who is, say 80 years old? Our…

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Embracing Love’s Journey

by Cynthia Germain And here we are, February already, and what’s so great about it…Valentine’s Day of course! A day that reminds us to pay attention to each other, perhaps make a special purchase for the special someone, and in general revel in love….

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The Beauty of Aging

Aging is one of those universal experiences that can leave us scratching our heads and wondering, “Where did the time go?” But there’s a silver lining to those silver hairs and reasons to embrace yourself as you age – wrinkles, wisdom, and all. Wrinkles…those…

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Getting Old Ain’t For Sissies

Ah, the wonderful journey of aging! They say age is just a number, but let’s be real – that number comes with a whole lot of surprises, wrinkles, aches, and a healthy dose of sass. They say that getting old ain’t for sissies, and…

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Laughter Never Gets Old!

As I approach another birthday, I can’t help but reflect on what a long, strange trip it’s been.  Certainly, I am reminded that with each passing year, life blesses us with new adventures, valuable lessons, and, of course, a healthy dose of humor. So…

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