
The First Domain: Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

At the Community Forums, we used the 8 Domains of Livability of an Age-Friendly community to guide the conversations. Let’s take a closer look at each domain, the first being Outdoor Spaces and Buildings. The World Health Organization views this as important because “the…

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Thank You Forum Participants!

We hosted forums throughout Door County from November 8th through November 17th and it was awesome! Some forums were big and others small but all were interactive and informative for all in attendance. We learned so much about the different communities of Door and…

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What is an Age-Friendly Community?

We’ve been talking a lot about this in the Community Forums being held throughout Door County this month so let’s take a look at it. The Age Friendly initiative was developed by the World Health Organization and adopted by AARP to provide a framework…

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Can Door County become a “Village”?

The Village Movement is an innovative movement in communities that coordinates services for older adults.  Villages are one of the most promising options to cope with the upcoming “Graying of America” dilemma.  The Village Movement began in 1999 with a group of older adults…

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They is Us – A Cornerstone

In the summer of 2016, a series of conversations happened in the many communities of Door County. It was an effort to understand what our residents wanted as they age here. The Door County Community Foundation describes the project as not a strategic planning…

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