
We are honored to receive DHS Grant

by Cynthia Germain The Department of Health Services (DHS) announced 37 grants were awarded to form or enhance a local coalition and develop innovative and relevant solutions that address the unique needs of local populations and communities related to social isolation. Do Good Door…

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Healthy Aging with the Village Model

by Cynthia Germain There is no question that as we age, we wish to do so gracefully, maintaining our independence, well-being, and connections within our communities. Yet, for many of us, the path to healthy aging can seem fraught with challenges, from physical limitations…

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Letters to the Editor

by Cynthia Germain In the Peninsula Pulse last week, Letters to the Editor section, there was a disturbing letter from Jean Hollander of Egg Harbor titled Save Our Seniors During a Storm. She explained that she is 80 years old, lives alone and her…

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Vestiges of the Tide

by Cynthia Germain There’s a rare, new exhibit at the Miller Art Museum in Sturgeon Bay. Ask Helen del Guidice, Curator of Exhibitions and Collections, what’s unique about this exhibit and she tell you it’s the topic, one relevant to our community…aging. And not…

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Revolutionizing Aging in Door County

As the United States grapples with a rapidly growing population of older adults, innovative solutions are needed to support their changing needs. One such solution gaining traction and making a significant impact is the “Village Model.” This model is not just transforming the lives…

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Part-Time Work: A Key to Social Connection

As we age, many of us find ourselves seeking new ways to stay engaged, active, and financially secure. One avenue that holds great potential is part-time employment. Part-time jobs offer a range of benefits for older adults, from supplementing income to promoting social connections…

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