
Lessons from Centenarians

The candlestick rotary phone, the ice box, the Ford V8 Sedan…if you are approaching 100 years on this earth, these definitely bring back memories.  There’s something truly remarkable about individuals who have reached the age of 100 and beyond. These centenarians, often dubbed “super-agers,”…

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Coping With Loss As We Age

Recently, my father suffered a loss. Not a big one or perhaps not considered a significant one but a loss all the same. A willow tree on his property was damaged in the last storm and needed to be taken down. He planted that…

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Getting Old Ain’t For Sissies

Ah, the wonderful journey of aging! They say age is just a number, but let’s be real – that number comes with a whole lot of surprises, wrinkles, aches, and a healthy dose of sass. They say that getting old ain’t for sissies, and…

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Why Age-Friendly Communities Matter

An age-friendly community is one that embraces people of all ages, recognizing and addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that different age groups bring to the table. It focuses on creating an environment where older adults can thrive while maintaining their independence, dignity, and…

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